After these adjustments, each write by the original process ( now the producer) is enqueued and subsequently read by the new process ( now the consumer). 经过这些调整之后,原来的进程(现在的生成者)执行的每个write操作都进入队列,然后由新进程(现在的消费者)读取。
Becoming a producer or director seems to be an inevitable path for many actors nowadays, and the process can be as short as only a few years. But for Deng, it took 12 years. 对今天的诸多演员而言,成为导演或是制片人似乎是必然之路。有的人只用短短几年就完成转型,而邓超却用了整整12年。
Tar destruction producer coking properties of coker gas oil in catalytic cracking reaction process 焦油分解气体发生器焦化蜡油催化裂化反应过程生焦特性
In the service processes, customers and producer must have direct connection, and the production process and consumption process is the same one. 在服务过程中消费者和生产者必须直接发生联系,从而生产的过程也就是消费的过程。
Licensing means granting to another producer for a fee or royalty payment the right to use one's production process, patents, trademarks, or other assets. 许可贸易是指授予另外一家厂商(通过支付许可费或专利权使用费)使用本企业的工艺流程,专利,商标或其他资产的权力。
Finally, an example on the producer and consumer problem is used to show the whole process of Agent systemperforming. 最后通过生产者&消费者实例来说明整个系统的执行过程。
Fuel cell as a new electricity producer is under the process of development. 燃料电池是一种正在发展中的新型发电装置。
Tax excess burden is the core of analyzing tax efficiency, it analyses the problem with the help of consumer surplus, producer surplus as well as undifferentiated curve, we should concern about substitution effect that tax leads to price change in the process of analysis. 税收超额负担是税收效率分析的核心,它可以借助于消费者剩余和生产者剩余及无差异曲线进行分析,分析过程应更关注征税引起的价格变动的替代效应。
The producer service industries can introduce technology into production process, promote social division of labor, and influence orientation of technology innovation. 生产性服务业能够引导技术进入生产过程、促进社会分工、影响技术创新的方向。
Second, data producer and data user treat with data differently, so two kind of process models are provided separately. 其次,针对数据生产者和使用者处理数据的不同特点,分别提出了数据生产者VVC过程模型和数据使用者VVC过程模型。
Freedom and equality were upheld by 18th-century French philosophers. From the perspective of a small producer, Rousseau gained an insight into the dialectic developmental process: equality-inequality-equality, which earned him an unshakable position in the history of French philosophy. 自由、平等是十八世纪法国哲学家高擎的一面旗帜,卢梭以他小生产者的独特视角洞察了自由、平等的发展过程:平等不平等平等,从而奠定了他在法国哲学史上不可动摇的地位。
To adapt to the demand, producer changes the product line constantly. This induces that the quality of the wastewater from dye production process usually unstable. 同时,为适应市场变化,厂家不断更新染料产品、改变生产线,导致废水的水质变化大。
The paper concludes that the legal principles for chemicals 'environmental management should include: precautionary prevention, classification and emphasis control, producer's liabilities, total process management, information perfect, public participation, social control, technology updating and so on. 本文认为化学品环境管理的法律原则应包括:风险预防、分类控制和重点控制、生产者责任、全过程管理、信息完备、促进科学技术发展、公众参与和社区控制等原则。
The working principle of a gas producer and its process principle of treating a kiln of light burned magnesite are introduced; 介绍了煤气发生炉的工作原理以及应用其治理轻烧镁窑的工艺原理;
Producer Consumer problem is a classical example of studying process mutexing. 生产者与消费者问题是研究进程同步的典范。
Second, This system can promote the information interactive between the producer and user, accelerate the process of education modernization; 其次要通过该系统促进装备的生产者和使用者之间的信息交互,加速教育信息化发展的进程;
Results showed that this producer has much trouble with equipment operation control, process control and management, and another factors including using method of customer, internal and surface quality of materials and so on are the reasons for fracture failure. 结果表明,弹簧钢生产厂在设备工艺、过程控制和管理中存在很多不足,加上用户的使用工艺、材料的内外质量和规格等综合因素导致了材料的断裂失效。
The middleman who manage SSP is an active producer in the whole process of sport economy. 经营体育服务产品的中间商在全部体育经济过程中也是积极能动的生产者。
The shift of industry is not abandon of manufacturing industry but is a extend developing and forms industry structure dominated as producer services industry. The objects of producer services mainly include producing process or other services process. 这种转变并不是对制造业的完全舍弃,而是在制造业的基础上进行延伸发展,形成了以生产性服务业为主的产业结构.生产性服务业的服务对象主要包括生产过程或其他服务过程。
Producer services, means the services provided for the manufacturing process, while not for final consumers. 生产性服务业又称生产者服务业,它是指生产过程中的中间投入服务,即用于商品和服务的进一步生产的目的,而非用于最终消费的服务。
However, the process of warm deep drawing of high-strength aluminum alloy sheet involving many processing parameters is a nonlinear producer of multi-fields coupled. Process design adopting try-and-error methods already have been unable to meet modern production requirements, in terms of time and economy. 高强铝合金板材温热成形过程是一个极其复杂的多参数耦合的非线性过程,采用传统的试错工艺设计方法,在时间上和经济上,都已不能满足现代化生产的需求。
China is the largest producer of ceramic in the world, but the craft and technology of production process still has a gap compared with foreign countries. 中国是世界上的陶瓷生产大国,但现在生产的工艺和技术方面与国外相比存在一定的差距。
The second part is the preparation of the telecommunications industry in Denmark the producer price index detailed process analysis. 第二部分是对丹麦编制电信服务业生产者价格指数具体流程的分析。
Face the unsatisfactory aspects of recreation culture, the author suggests we should center on the producer of recreation culture-the mass media, and appeal making normative efforts in morality and responsibility, to repair the defect during the process of recreation culture development in our county. 直面娱乐文化的不尽人意之处,笔者认为关键应从娱乐文化的生产者&大众媒体的角度做出道德、责任方面的规范性努力,以此修补我国娱乐文化发展过程中的不足。
Producer services 'pulling effect on manufacturing industry is very important in the process of restructuring and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. 生产性服务业对制造业的带动作用,在制造业转型和升级过程中有着非常重要的作用。
By building performance evaluation index of producer services agglomeration, we use analytic hierarchy process ( ahp) to evaluate the performance of spatial agglomeration on producer services. 通过构建生产性服务业集聚的绩效评价指标,采用层次分析法对长三角地区生产性服务业空间集聚绩效进行综合评价。
Producer services developed independently from the inside sector of manufacturing industry, throughout all aspects of production in the manufacturing sector, will help to ensure the continuity of the industrial production process, to promote industrial upgrading. 作为从制造业内部生产部门独立发展出来的行业,生产性服务业贯穿于制造业生产的诸多环节中,有利于保证工业生产过程的连续性,促进制造业升级。
Producer performance testing of power is of vital importance in the production process. 出厂性能测试是电源生产过程中至关重要的一个环节。